Finding peace and comfort in uncertainty is the ultimate key to living a life of freedom, abundance, happiness and creativity, especially in uncertain times.
The truth is that life is uncertain by nature. We live in a constantly changing, ever-evolving world where certainty and security
are fundamentally illusions, that can never be fully achieved.
When you relinquish all attachment to a particular outcome and become open, aware, alert and fully observant to the opportunities arising around you, you can fully embrace the natural flow of creativity and
abundance that surrounds you.
It is said and known by all conscious beings that in every challenge and problem there is an opportunity. An opportunity for growth, for transformation, for evolution and for creativity. And when you adopt this perception you open up to a whole range of possibilities, enabling you to keep the mystery, the wonder, the excitement, the adventure alive.
Only when you relax your attachment to how things should be and instead become inquisitive, curious and creative in how you perceive things can you be open to see the solutions as they arise.
Luck is said to be the moment preparedness meets opportunity- this is the sweet spot where the solution is able to surface and make itself shown.
There are infinite possibilities and infinite solutions and opportunities, and in each a lesson, a gift, a chance to become more of who you are, the chance to live life a little fuller…
As Deepak Chopra quotes:
“In your willingness to step into the unknown, you will have the wisdom of uncertainty factored in. This mean that in every moment of your life, you will have excitement, adventure, mystery. You will experience the fun of life- the magic, the celebration, the exhilaration and the exultation of your own spirit.”
Today and over the coming weeks of uncertainty, know that in embracing the unknown and stepping into the field of possibilities, great wisdom and opportunity will arise.
Lots of love to you all, Caya xx
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